Sleep, Perchance To Dream

Sleep, Perchance To Dream

Well, as you may recall, I left off last week on somewhat of a sleep deprived note. Take your average, busy life and throw in a few nights of being up every 1-2 hours to comfort a crying baby, and well…it isn’t pretty. Trying to create something (let alone something even remotely inspired) is challenging enough on most days – try doing it when you can barely remember your own name! But, enough complaining. Suffice to say I was brutally tired and feeling rather dejected about the whole creative blogging experience.

Sleepy Girl

Bouncing back from a long night was much easier in my youth.

Luckily, by then the weekend had rolled around and with it, two days of self-granted blog-free living. The way I figure it, if I allow myself these weekly pressure valves of “non-creativeness”, I will come back on Monday refreshed and eager to contribute something new. Kind of like the way an evening away from the kids or a vacation works. Plus, if I feel like I absolutely HAVE to create something on the weekend, then I can…but only if I really want to. So, yeah. Go, me.

Well, Saturday morning arrived and we decided that it was high time to get out of the house – to do what exactly, we couldn’t decide, but we packed up and headed out anyways. Maybe it was my husband’s incessant positivity (his battle cries of “Woooo!” are still ringing in my ears), or the beautiful morning sunshine after a previous cloudy day, or the mere act of leaving the confines of the nest, but it wasn’t long before I started feeling those tinges of excitement again. We ended up driving around a few nearby neighbourhoods scoping out garage sales, and in doing so, we eventually stumbled across what appeared to be somebody’s store liquidations.

Garage Sale Goodies

$1 and $2 felt bags, a $7 canvas tote, $0.50 ornaments – bargoons!

It reminded me of Christmas craft fairs, and all the good things that go along with them. Pretty soon I was thinking about the aprons I could make and the bags I could sew and the frames I could decorate and so on and so forth. PLUS, as I was leaving said garage, I noticed the coolest garden angel that I may somehow have to try and duplicate. Except for the hair, I don’t like the wire at all. (Funny thing – I have a very similar looking angel atop our front door, likely done by the same artist even. How crazy!)

Garden Angel

Adorable garden angel that I want to chase away my rabbits.

Anyway. The other thing I picked up at this particular sale was a stack of wooden letters that spell the word “dream”. Now, I have had a bit of a fascination with wooden letters such as these ever since we went on a quaint cabin vacation where the owners had the letters for “eat” in their kitchen. Far too much fun was had rearranging the letters to spell “ate” and “tea”, and with the addition of other paper letters, a whole host of things. Remind me to do a post on our names shelf one day, will you?

As I have mentioned, I don’t have much wall space in my current studio to display my pretty new letters. What to do, what to do? And boom – there it was, my idea for the day. A little reminder to dream.


Dream a little dream with me, my little one.

At bedtime, Beautiful South’s version of Dream A Little Dream plays. Aw, I love my little monkey boy. And have I mentioned how much I adore Hipstamatic photos? In the future, when I have more time to run around taking pictures, I would love to take these letters and put them in unexpected places – like a grungy alley or hanging from a tree. But for today, I am happy just to dream.

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