Serenity Now

Serenity Now

Well, so much for proper blogging today. It turns out that I got to spend all of nap time on the phone – trying to find a qualified repair man to come and fix our broken washing machine AND trying to explain to our telephone service provider that even though they could call our number and get through, nobody else could. And, as luck would have it, nobody is able to come out and make any kind of repairs until Thursday or Friday. Lovely. Ah, the joys of big city living. *sigh* Well, at least I managed to whip this together whilst on hold. I will get back to blogging (and the mountain of laundry) soon. I promise. I hope?

Serenity Now

One of the soothing waves outside our hotel in Seaside, CA.

It’s funny. Even though I usually associate the sound of waves with feeling calm and soothed, upon studying the image for a while, I realized something. This wave is very apropos of how I am feeling right now…on the brink, full of tension, ready to crash. I don’t know when I’ll break and let it all go, but I’m hoping it’s soon. 😉

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