New Endeavors

New Endeavors

So. If you would have asked me years ago, between my husband and I, which one of us would be the first to be shown in an art gallery (not counting the stuff I had shown before I got married)… I would have said that it would most definitely be me. My husband was a part-time improvisor, while I spent my free-time making stuff – it was a no-brainer. Well. I would most definitely have been wrong. 😉

Over the years, my husband’s love of Lego has lead him to some interesting places. The most recent of which being Endeavor Arts Gallery in Calgary. (If you’d like to read more about his journey, I encourage you to visit his website Brickwares.)

After meeting the gallery owners at this spring’s Comic Expo, he replied to their call to artists about a “robot” art show and was accepted.

One of the aspects that I love about his art is that it is recyclable – if he gets tired of a piece, or he has a “better” idea for another piece, he can take it all apart and start anew. How awesome is that?! Anyhow. This was his first “art show” and I am so happy for him, and proud of him. =)

Some of the other cool stuff at this show include:

Roboticized chairs, by Discover Scoperta. (Those of you from Loose Moose may recognize one of our former volunteers, Mike – hey, Mike!)

Steampunk-inspired up-cycled jewelry, by the delightful ladies at Changing Gears.

And these absolutely stunning (!!!) chairs by Manuka Forge.

Now, to be completely and brutally honest… I couldn’t help but feeling some serious pangs of jealousy – in addition to the joy and pride – about this whole turn of events. Not that Dave doesn’t deserve this, he totally does! He works-plays hard at what he does, and (in light of our conversations about Lego as an art form) I think he provides a new and very worthwhile contribution to the arts community. I guess I was just feeling a bit… disappointed in myself, somehow. That I had let “life” get too much in the way of “art”. Although, looking back I see no way that it could have been different – short of abandoning my family or hiring a full-time super-nanny, neither of which were options.

But instead of dwelling on this negativity, I chose to let it light a fire instead. I got off my butt and started researching art classes that I might like to take (uh, metal-smithing, hello!) I started signing up for upcoming craft fairs and getting more “organized” about my little business. And I started trying to find a place to hold monthly artsy-craftsy meetings, so that they would become more of a reliable thing, and a place to build a community. It was in doing that – researching studio spaces and such – that I ran across some, uh… interesting “stuff” and was reminded of the not-so-nice side of the arts community. The nasty critiques. The jargon and pretentiousness. The general lack of appreciation.

Yeah. Maybe being shown in a gallery is not the direction I want to take after all. I mean, if making the things that I love – for no other reason than because I love to make them – leads me to a gallery, then great! (I will just have to remember not to take those “critiques” so personally.) But as a be-all, end-all goal? I think it falls short of what would make me truly happy. I’m still trying to figure out the exact details of that, by the way, but I’m fairly sure that I’m on the right track now. Anyhow. Aside from fighting off a nasty chest-cold, that’s what’s been going on around here lately. Hope y’all are settling into fall well, and are on a path that will lead you to the places you want to go. =)


8 Replies to “New Endeavors”

  1. Great write up Kate! hope you get better soon… and maybe email me, what type of art do you make? we’re the non-traditional art type gallery, or going in that direction anyways.

    I might be able to help, we should chat sometime!

    1. Thanks, Maria. =)
      Mostly I’ve been working on photography lately, but as the kids get older, I’m expanding.
      I’ll most definitely be in touch when I feel like I have some “real art” to contribute.
      Thanks again!

  2. Kate: First of all, the picture of you is adorable and genuine. Thanks for your honest account of the experience with your husband’s show. It’s the reality of life: paradoxes. Of course you fully support him, yet his show brings up mixed feelings for you. I wish you the very best on your creative journey. And, as always, I enjoy connecting with you on Flickr.

  3. Oh my goodness Kate, I love, love, love Legos!!
    I still have big plastic tubs of them in my basement, that my kids had as they were growing up. Not sure why, but there is something very relaxing about “playing” with them.

    A very big and truly well-deserved congratulations to your husband. His work is amazing!

    I love the photograph of you. So pretty.

    Wishing you a wonderful day.

    P.S. Google LegoLand. It’s in California, and if you’ve not been there, it is amazing!

    1. Lego IS amazing, isn’t it? And LegoLand is mind-blowingly cool! Dave has a lot of connections these days, so we even got to see some behind-the-scenes stuff… Awesome. Hope you have a great week! =)

  4. Wow Kate you often do not see two creative people making up one marriage…opposites attract and all that. I know exactly what you mean though. I myself, have started the brain storming and list-making and action plans to start an Etsy shop…but it never felt right and so I never took the leap. Have been in craft shows…have had my home-made table runners and mats in stores…had my mixed media art show cased in a store (my sister’s bead shop but still) and it was VERY stress inducing…with a minimal profit. All that to say that-creativity is different for each creative person. What drives us will vary. To me personally, the gift of creativity and monetary gain are at enmity with each other. Quite frankly, all the joy was sucked out when I stitched and created for cash. However, when I stitched for a gift for a friend or to bring beauty to my home it was a healing balm. That said: Don’t beat yourself up to measure up. Talk it over with creative hubby (our husbands understand us more than we realize) and enjoy of the gift of being gifted with a creative mind and beatify your world however you are led.

    1. Well, two creatives some how works for us – I think because we are also both able to be “pragmatics” when necessary. 😉 As for Etsy, I am STILL overwhelmed by the work it would take to get stuff seen and sold on a regular basis… so it’s kind of just “sitting there” for now. And as for sales, I just have to keep reminding myself to keep making the things that I enjoy and want to share – instead of just chasing the money. I think the sales must appeal to that “pragmatic” side of me – there’s something about finding and booking them, getting goods all made and organized, pricing and receipts and spreadsheets and interacting with customers – it’s kinda fun for me. Then again, I used to play “office” when I was a girl, using my grandfather’s carbon to make copies of things, stapling them together, filing them… Silly me. 😉

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