Somber Thoughts

Somber Thoughts

Somber thoughts this week as the brother of a dear friend passes away. He suffered a heart-attack on Sunday, slipped into a coma, and finally shuffled off this mortal coil today. It is heartbreaking on so many levels… the hope brought with lingering… the many people touched by his positivity and enthusiasm… the young son he leaves behind… In my mind’s eye he will stay young, and happy, and brightly blue-eyed forever.

Naturally, thoughts turn to ones own mortality – the life I’ve built and what would be left should it simply cease to be. And I once again dance between fiercely clinging to my boys, and trying to embrace a little detachment, for the inevitable is just that. It’s just a matter of when. Journaling has brought little clarity, so I tried something different for a change. I was reminded of a favourite line of poetry, which I thought I’d share using an image that also came to mind…

And with that, I must set it all aside for now and put on a brave face. For tonight is Monkeyboy Junior’s Fall Dance, and the boys are beyond excited about it… and their costumes… and family time. Time to grab on to life for a little while. Challenging though it may be.

10 Replies to “Somber Thoughts”

  1. So sorry to hear about that too. Big hugs to you lady. I hope the night is just fantastic for the boys, and that that might melt your vulnerable heart right now in all the right ways. Big love honey. xo

  2. So sorry to hear that a tragedy struck close to your family. It is always the sorrowful that reminds us of what real joy looks like. Everything in this life teaches and shapes and hones us to better understand the eternal. It is only the eternal that matter.
    Hope good times with your boys, full of laughter and memories lighten your heavy load.

  3. So beautifully and honestly written, Kate. Death churns up so much for the living: sadness, doubt, fear, sorrow, perspective. It’s both a rich space for eventual growth and a hollow feeling of raw sadness. Please know I’m holding you in my heart, Kate.

    Take very good care,

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