And We’re Off!

And We’re Off!

Well, I survived the first sale of the season. Woot! It amazes me how I always forget just how exhausting the whole process is! There’s all the work to produce stuff… all the hours spent *not* sleeping (because I’m busy thinking of new things to try or “business-type” things that need to get done)… and then standing and smiling and chatting-people-up for hours during the sale… WHEW! But overall, things went fairly well – pretty much what I expected for that particular location. Lots of, er… senior people (who either scowl as they go by, or “get me” and laugh a lot), and a few younger people (who actually purchase things). I am especially popular with kids, who love the “$5 Grab Bin” and free candy canes. 😉 It may not have been one of my best sales, but it gave me a deadline to shoot for (I work much better with those), a chance to gauge where I should focus my energies this week (more “naughty embroidery”), and some positive feedback to keep me energized for the next few weeks (nothing like selling some art prints to get you feeling validated). So, yeah. Away we go!

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