Doctor What, Now?

Doctor What, Now?

Last Halloween, we once again got all dressed up and headed to Monkeyboy Jr.’s Elementary School dance (which was, once again, an absolute blast).


Shortly after posting photos, our friend Terra wished out loud (i.e. via a Facebook comment) that she could have a scarf like my husband’s – reminiscent of one from Doctor Who (the 4th doctor) that his mother made for him years ago. I believe at the time, Terra even offered up her first born for such a thing… 😉


Naturally, I informed her that I would be more than happy to make her one, no child offerings necessary. And so, working around Christmas craft sales, perpetually germy children of my own, and even a trip to Hawaii (yes, I know I’m veryveryvery far behind in my photo posting), I have done just that.


First, we ironed-out the details – like the kind of yarn she wanted. Terra was looking for something soft and that came in “autumn colours”, so I headed to Michael’s and sent her pictures (and prices) of what was available. We ended up going with Lion Brand Homespun yarns, in 7 colours – 3 solids and 4 heathers. I got two of each (on sale – woohoo!), to be sure I had enough for such a long and wide scarf.


Next, I had to figure out sizing. After a few failed attempts, I arrived at 50 stitches, continuous knitting (i.e. no purling), on size 10 (6mm) needles. Then it was just a matter of alternating colours. I set the red as my “marker” (i.e. every 7th band had to be red), and then randomly added the other 6 colours in between those red bands, varying the number of rows in each band. Eventually, with tassels, we arrived at our destination.


Yes, that’s right – 15 FEET of approximately 15 inch wide scarf! If you line up myself and the two Monkeyboys from head to toe, you’d almost cover it…


The minimum number of consecutive rows of one colour was 8, and the maximum was 50. I didn’t actually have a pattern – although, I suppose I could have used my husband’s scarf – I just kinda did it “by eye” and gut.


For the “tassels”, I measured pieces of yarn the length of one needle (about 14″) and then tied them at each end. The Homespun yarn is essentially wisps of soft acrylic held together by strong pieces of polyester string, and if you leave the ends untied, the yarn frays and ultimately gets torn apart. So. I then randomly took two different coloured pieces, pulled them halfway through a stitch at the end of the scarf, and double knotted them. It got a bit crowded, so I spaced them out a bit so that there are about 40 knots in the 50 stitches.


Wrapped around my neck loosely and twice, it still reaches the ground!


I hope she loves it and that it keeps her warm and toasty!!! It is so soft and cozy, my kids are very reluctant to see it go to its new home – they loved snuggling under it as I was working on it (Monkeyboy Junior Jr. would even “help” by holding one of my needles as I was knitting). But they shouldn’t worry. Terra’s mother has requested I make another one for herself, in different colours! =) So, I guess I know what I will be doing for the next few months, as I catch up on some guilty-pleasures television in front of the fire, waiting for spring.

Now, if you aren’t already familiar with the amazing musical talents of our friend Terra Hazelton, you should be. And if you happen to see her wearing her luxurious new scarf, let me know if she looks cozy.

10 Replies to “Doctor What, Now?”

  1. Oh my goodness, Kate, I have never seen a scarf this big, and it is absolutely WONDERFUL!! What a sweet friend you are.

    Happy Sunday to you!

  2. Its a scarf blanket!
    Awesome job.
    4th Doctor huh?
    I am not familiar with any of the old-school Doctors, but I do have a small but persistent crush on the 10th (David Tennant)

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