Nose Hill Park Walk

Nose Hill Park Walk

Years ago, when I first moved out on my own, I lived near one of the two rivers in town. I had adopted an abandoned dog that I found whilst working out in the mountain parks, and we spent a LOT of time wandering along the Elbow River, thinking about life. And chasing squirrels and ducks and sticks. Well, at least one of us, that is.

Beckett Love

When my husband and I moved to our current house, it was far, far away from either river. And even though we have the largest green space in the city only blocks away, it has never really… satisfied (?) me quite the same way. I miss the running water. I miss the giant trees. I miss feeling like I’m not in the city any more, when I still very much am… And I miss sweet Beckett most of all. *sigh*

Nose Hill

Don’t get me wrong – Nose Hill Park can be quite lovely, with lush greens and prairie songbirds and even the occasional deer. But it’s also windy. And very hilly. And… well… just not as interesting – to me, at least.

Until recently. Last year I decided to depart from the “official” (i.e. City designated) entrances to the park, and meandered through adjacent neighbourhoods looking for new entry points and routes to take. I have discovered that there are actually places in the park with lots of trees. And diverse micro-climates. And even some wetlands!

My first “off-beat” walk was a winter ago…

Winter Walk

I found a bunch of people tracks that meandered away from the houses, into the “wilds” of the hill, and I just followed them…

Winter At Nose Hill

I found trees, and dried grasses and cattails, and even a few birds (TL: magpie, BR: chickadee)… The shadows and quiet were quite lovely.

Rosehips In Snow

I couldn’t wait to explore once the weather had turned toward the summer months, and colour (and warmth) once again returned to the hill.

Which brings us to yesterday’s walk.

It has been raining for days, and I was getting a little cabin-fever-ish. I had a bit of free time to myself, and I was in desperate need of some fresh air, so I got in the car and headed toward the hill. I forget exactly where I found the last pathway, so I randomly drove around once more until I found this…

Porcupine Valley Entrance

According to a nearby sign, it is also an actual City-designated entry to the park, but it’s off the “beaten path” (i.e. main roadways)… and it’s surprisingly beautiful!

Rainy Nose Hill Park

I found another wetland – with Mallard ducklings(!!!), lots and lots and lots of trees, flowers in bloom, a make-shift fort of some kind, and even a wee spring (no doubt a temporary thing – a result of all the rain we’ve had – but still…) And the smell – ahhhh, the sweet smell of forest! And rain! And regeneration! Soooo amazing!!!

Nose Hill Lichen

Aside from the pesky mosquitoes, the occasional car sound in the distance, and the lack of big-time rushing water… it was near perfect. Too bad I only had my iPhone with me – but I really didn’t want to get my “big girl” camera wet. This time I made note of where the entrance was, and I plan on bringing the boys back to explore later this summer. I am so grateful for such a cool “back yard”. Hurray for new discoveries!


Then it was time for a nice, frothy chai and some dry clothes. Anyhow. Just wanted to share. Hope you have a great weekend, y’all. Outside, if possible, even… =)

4 Replies to “Nose Hill Park Walk”

  1. Wow, Kate, you found some really great places to explore!
    I always make it a habit to take “oof the path” road to wherever it is I am going.
    I have found some of the most wonderful things to photograph on those roads.

    Happy day to you!

    P.S. Looks like unfollowing/following did the trick. This post popped up in my reader! 🙂

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