Thank You Cards

Thank You Cards

Well, I finally got around to sending off some thank you cards (and photo CDs) to my wonderful extended “fambily” in California. I also decided to make an extra little something for the awesome short people I got to spend time with while visiting – that is, my friend’s son, and the son of someone they had a playdate with… which my sister and I totally crashed… seeing as it was a fun morning at the Farmer’s Market and Beach… and it happened to be with somebody famous and all. Yeah. That’s right. I got to go on a playdate with Sarah Chalke (i.e. Dr. Elliot Reid from Scrubs?!) and her husband Jamie and their son. How crazy is that?! My friend leads such a surreal life sometimes…

Anyhow. My friend’s son is crazy about vehicles! He pointed out every bus, truck, and non-car that we came across, devoured all the similarly themed books he could find, and spent hours playing with his wheeled toys. I figured he might appreciate a little artwork for his room…

And Sarah’s little boy seemed to like the dogs we passed as we were walking to the beach, so he gets a little “puppy love” coming his way. I put a few photos I snapped of them on the playdate in the card, just for fun. I’m not sure she’d be cool with me posting personal photos of her family here, so you all just have to imagine what they look like. 😉

Well. That’s about all I’ve been up to recently. *sigh* Lately I’ve been spending nap time catching up on my sleep, which means there is very little time to just sit and create. Ah, well. What can you do? Just keep trying, I suppose. I hope April is treating you well (and that I can find a good groove soon)! Ciao for now.

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