Art vs. Craft

Art vs. Craft

A couple of weeks back, I was discussing all the Christmas sales prep. with my friend Mile. I had made the observation that even though the more “artistic” ideas were “there”, I’d been leaning towards simple craft production instead. She said that it made sense, since so much heart and soul goes into art – it’s such a personal reflection of yourself – that when you’re busy chasing a three-year-old around most of the time (and not sleeping through the night), that kind of commitment to “digging deep” is hard to make. Fair enough. But as much as I enjoy crafting things, I’m kind of looking forward to a time when I can explore some of my more arty ideas too. One day. Soon, maybe?

Anyhow. Here are a couple of the things I’ve been working on lately for the upcoming sales.

I found some great faux antique keys that I’ve been playing around with.

A while back, I made a couple of sleep masks for myself and as a gift for a friend. She suggested I make more to sell, so…

… I did!

And last of all, in my “spare time” (bahahahaha…) I’ve been knitting a simple scarf for another friend. She had admired one that my husband wore for his Dr. Who costume, so I’m making a 12-15′ long softer, more “nature colours” version for her.

Whew. What about you? What have you been up to lately? 😉

4 Replies to “Art vs. Craft”

  1. Kate: What interesting observations. In academics, we talk about not having mental space for creativity while putting our head down during the semester. One of the huge perks of academia (one that I’ll miss!) is sabbatical. I think we all need sabbaticals–extended time away from the day-to-day tasks (e.g., bills, errands, laundry, carpools, appointments) to allow us space to create in new and exciting ways; to allow us a different perspective. So maybe sometime you could take a mini-sabbatical? Just a thought. 🙂

    In the meantime, your “simple” projects look beautiful to me!

    1. Aw, thanks Joy. Yes, the dream of a sabbatical has been percolating for some time, now. I think the littlest is finally at the point where we would all be okay with me disappearing for a little while… In my dream scenario, I escape to western shores for a week with a suitcase full of art supplies and journals and my camera. Soon, I hope. Soon. 😉

  2. First of all let me get out of the way that despite my best efforts I have morphed into an “whovian” myself! My husband and big girls are obsessed with Dr. Who! Second, I totally know what you are saying about art vs. craft. I went through that when I did Christmas crafts fairs for the last two years. I cranked out the quilted goods out. Every one is at a different place both artistically and financially. For myself, the combining of aft and money sucked the joy out. And so, I create for myself and gifts only, and make money doing child care.
    I love, love those sleeping masks by the way.

    1. A “Whovian” – love it. 😉 Yeah, I’m having second thoughts about the whole “craft-thing” after this year. It is SO exhausting! And such a roller coaster ride. (And I’m getting too old to tolerate that stuff well.) Hmm…

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