

Once home-schooling let up for the year, and the garden had finally been planted, I found myself with some precious extra time on my hands. 😉 Glorious, unaccounted-for time that I wisely chose to… catch up on my Netflix binging with! 😛 Of course, this particular choice led to some serious feelings of guilt: “But there’s so much other stuff I SHOULD BE DOING!” 😁 So, me being me… I decided to give my hands some busy-work to do, so that I could at least consider my couch potato-ing time as somewhat valuable.

Cotton Squares (Potholders, Washcloths, Furniture Protectors…)

At first I though I might restock my cotton “squares” stash (cute 8-inch crocheted squares that I embellish with some fine/detailed crochet and that can be used for a variety of things)… but as there were zero craft fairs last Christmas, and none that I was looking to attend in the near future, I figured that I already had enough of them on-hand. I did, however, have a huge bag of yarn “ends” – pieces that weren’t quite long enough to make a new square with, and that did not have another colour-matched skein to add to…

Creating My Own Granny Square Pattern

Inspired by various Pinterest posts, I decided to use some of these colourful yarn ends to whip up some Granny Squares. Except that they didn’t really bring me as much joy as I thought they would. So… I experimented with various stitches and patterns, unraveling and re-crocheting multiple times, until I came up with a square I really liked – which happened to be very floral-looking. Once I had my pattern, I got to work stockpiling squares whenever I sat down to watch some TV.

Keeping Track of Colours

As I worked, I found that I was gravitating towards particular colours or colour combinations (oh, hello fuchsia… AGAIN…) which made for a bit of redundancy. I decided to make a list of ALL of the yarn colours I had compiled over the years, and I tried to use them each in turn, but in different positions each time, if possible. I know, I know – it sounds very OCD or something, but it really helped to provide a better sense of balance once the squares were laid out together.

My First Set of 16 Floral Granny Squares

Once I had finished 16 squares, I had to decide what to actually DO with the squares: stitch them together to make a pillow? a purse? a veeery tiny blanket? 😉 or keep crocheting to make something larger, like an actual blanket? Given that I was now dipping in to my yarn reserves for an item that sells well at craft fairs… I decided I’d wrap things up and take the pillow-route. So, I popped out to Michael’s and picked up some neutral yarn (I decided I liked grey the best) to stitch the colours all together… and then I experimented with different joining techniques until I found one I liked.

Stitching the Floral Granny Squares Together

Lastly, I dug out some linen fabric I had on-hand and sewed a pillow case to attach the 16-squared crocheted square to. I included a zipper at one end, so that I could remove the pillow case if ever it needed washing, and then I stuffed it with a regular, inexpensive, everyday pillow (with all the fluff shoved to one end). Ooooh… PURTY!!! Now THAT’S what I’m talkin’ about!!! 💗

Sewing a Case For My Floral Granny Square Pillow

I was SO happy with the way it turned out… plus all of the positive feedback I received on social media… that I thought I would try making some pillows to sell. 🙂 Unfortunately, it’s taken me years to collect all of the different colours of cotton yarn that I have… plus, it’s somewhat heavy and not the most economical to work with in larger pieces. 🧐 Good thing Michael’s was having a yarn sale!

26 Acrylic Colours In All (Though Some Are Very Similar)

I started supplementing my stash of acrylic yarn with some new colours (from different brands: Michael’s own Craftsmart, Loops and Threads Impeccable, and Bernat Premium), and then I started stitching once again – with a new 26-member (plus 3 neutrals) colour palette, of course. I’ve gotta say… crocheting all of these squares made the multiple “too hot and smoky to go outside” days of the summer of 2021 somewhat bearable.

A Variety of Colour Combinations for Floral Granny Square Pillows

At first, I tried duplicating the first pillow with random coloured squares on grey. Then I tried a pillow of the most pastel colours on cream… followed by a pillow of the most bright colours on black. I just LOOOVE them all (for different reasons)! 💗 I’m sad that they take SO long to create – days to complete each crocheted pillow face – not to mention the fact that I still had to attach them to a zippered fabric cover of some kind. 🙄

IKEA Goodness

Luckily, an early morning trip to IKEA (to invest in some storage solutions) provided a bit of a shortcut in the process. Whether by chance or by design, I was relieved to find that somehow my crocheted squares fit almost perfectly on the cotton IKEA Gurli pillow covers!!! Plus, with pillows on sale for $3… I could finish my floral Granny Square pillows at a reasonable cost – and without having to make covers from scratch! Score!!!

Attaching Crocheted Squares to an IKEA Pillowcase

Next… Prewash/dry IKEA covers: ☑. Try to sew a large square onto a cover and fail miserably: ☒. Rip out all of the seams, except for the ones on the zipper-end, on each pillow and try again: ☑. Sew a big square onto a cover, and restitch the side seams: ☑. Stuff with a fluffed-up pillow and close: ☑. Voilà! Success meets cuteness overload!

How Cute is That?!

It took a while, but I finally got all 7 of the big Granny Squares onto covers and ready for stuffing. After I took a bunch of photos, that is. And now – off they go to Etsy! Wish them luck! =)

My First Seven Floral Granny Squares

2 Replies to “Pillow-licious”

  1. Kate, I would love a granny square pillow! I used to make them as a hippie with time on her hands. Yours are so lovely!

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